Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Above all, St. Ambrose University as a Catholic institution believes in the inherent God-given dignity and worth of every individual.

As stated in our Mission and Core Values, we affirm that St. 可以买滚球的正规平台力求使所有学生在智力上得到发展, spiritually, ethically, socially, artistically, 身体上丰富自己和他人的生活.

Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
St. Ambrose University commits to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion as core priorities as demonstrated by the intentional design of policies, procedures, resource allocations, and practices that respect the God-given dignity and worth of every individual in pursuit of social justice. Inspired by Catholic social teaching, 我们决心营造一种消除一切歧视的环境, whether based on sex, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, color, ability, language, religion, or socioeconomic status.

Also see: Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Report an Incident of Bias/Hate Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (SDEI)

Definitions and Commitments

Diversity is a feature of God's creation and enriches the lives of our communities and world. To honor this diversity, we seek understanding and strive to respect the unique differences of each individual. We commit to creating a campus culture willing to explore and respect the multiplicity of identities, perspectives, and beliefs in our evolving, diverse world.

An Equity 框架承认某些个人面临的历史和持久的障碍,并为他们提供成功和繁荣所需的东西. 对于社会或文化上的不公正阻碍或推动学生和员工成功的诸多方式,我们承认并将继续毫无歉意地做出回应. To ensure personal and institutional accountability, we commit to actively pursue initiatives that further social justice causes on campus and in society.

Inclusion 是在每个人都有归属感的时候实现的吗. To this end, St. Ambrose students, employees, and service partners commit to a campus community where diverse perspectives and populations are welcomed and honored.

Supporting a Diverse Campus

Freeman Pollard Minority Scholarship

Freeman Pollard, Ph.D. was the first African-American professor at St. Ambrose University, but education was actually Dr. Pollard's second career. 在开始追求高等教育之前,他受雇于美国.S. Postal Service for more than 20 years, 在此期间,他积极参与民权运动和正规买球平台有哪些行动项目,如选民登记, and work with juvenile delinquents and unwed mothers.

During his career at St. Ambrose, Dr. 波拉德曾担任政治学系主任,也是公共管理项目的首任主任. 他的学术专业领域包括美国政府和政治, public policy, law and administration, and environmental policy.

While at St. Ambrose, Dr. Pollard was also active in community affairs, serving for a time as a commissioner and chair of the Davenport Civil Rights Commission. 他在学术和正规买球平台有哪些工作中获得了许多荣誉和奖项.

In 1988, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台博士设立了一个少数族裔奖学金项目. Pollard's name. 弗里曼波拉德少数族裔奖学金是校园正规买球平台有哪些持续发展的一个组成部分,反映了全球社会的现实.


Minority Alumni Advisory Council

少数民族参与咨询委员会是一个著名的圣. Ambrose University alumni and friends committed to the University's Core Value of Diversity.

Council members utilize their skills, knowledge, 以及为内阁成员提供建议和咨询的经验, the Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and SAU academic and non-academic programs.

该委员会由大约12名SAU校友组成,他们在自己选择的职业领域中取得了广泛的成功和领导力. 成员的任期为三年,可连任一次.

Email diversity@x-wingfashion.com获取更多关于少数族裔校友咨询委员会的信息.

Accessibility Resource Center (ARC)

残疾学生可以使用学校提供的各种服务 Accessibility Resource Center (ARC).

The first goal of ARC is to provide qualified students with disabilities services or reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, 或者旨在减少残疾对他们在传统学术环境中表现的影响的修改. 服务不会降低课程标准或改变学位要求, but instead give students a better chance to demonstrate their academic abilities.


Email ARC@x-wingfashion.com获取更多关于ARC资源和住宿的信息

Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (SDEI) promotes educational, cultural, and social growth of all Ambrosians and fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment.

This office also coordinates campus-wide programs and events designed to create awareness, knowledge, and vital skills for leadership development and for working effectively with diverse perspectives and populations.

Learn more about the SDEI Office

Graduation Requirement

Beginning in 2022, 学生必须完成指定为DEI的两门课程, as identified by the DEI Committee.

Courses designated DEI1 serve to foster a sense of cultural understanding and equity, 指定为DEI2的课程使学生能够有效地应对边缘化人群所遭受的歧视. Together these courses demonstrate the St. Ambrose core values of diversity and social justice.

Annual Celebrations

DEI at St. Ambrose University encourages annual programming designed to foster an environment that dismantles all discrimination, whether based on sex, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, color, ability, language, religion, or socioeconomic status.

我们认识到这一点是为了与不同的人建立联系, it is critical to be grounded in one's own culture, history, and traditions. Understanding what is important to our own community increases affinity for a differing community.

In addition to the events below, each Commencement ceremony includes minority students wearing a cultural or ethnic stole.

MLK Day (3rd Monday in January)

MLK Day became a federal holiday in 1983 in order to honor the achievements of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Known as an activist, humanitarian, and leader in the modern Civil Rights Movement, Dr. 马丁·路德·金最为人所知的是,他基于基督教信仰和圣雄甘地的教义,通过非暴力非暴力反抗运动推动了民权运动.

On April 28, 1965, Dr. King received the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council's Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award. This was Dr. King's one and only visit to Davenport, IA.

Civil Rights Week (end of January)

Join us for Civil Rights Week, January 23-27, 2023.

一年一度的民权周庆祝活动概述了圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台参与了当地的民权运动. Since St. Ambrose was founded in 1882, its students, faculty, staff, and leadership have advocated for those who did not have equal opportunities due to racism, poverty and lack of education.


  • 1947年,SAU成为第一个建立NAACP分会的天主教校园.
  • In 1951, the campus expanded its efforts and established the League for Social Justice.
  • In 1958, the Catholic Interracial Council was launched as the successor organization to the league.
  • In 1964, The Diocese of Davenport created the "Pacem In Terris" Peace and Freedom Award. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was its third recipient.

一年一度的“纪念游行”通常会在一周内开始,人们会在校园或达文波特市八个民权标志之一的地方安静地散步. The march to remember provides the opportunity to reflection of the Universities past and various trainings, workshops, and events are planned to identify the many ways SAU remains connected and active in social justice initiatives today.

Multicultural House

Located at 411 W. Locust St. (near Ripley and Locust), 多元文化之家是一个校园范围内的资源,通过合作促进和促进多元文化理解和交流的学习正规买球平台有哪些, dialogue, and action.

Learn more about the Multicultural House

Diversity Work Group

About the Work Group

The Diversity Work Group - comprised of faculty and staff - was developed out of the Diversity Task Force in 2006. 

该工作组的主要职能是创建一个战略计划,因为它涉及到St. Ambrose University.

响应多样性声明所创造的愿景, this working group has energized a focus on weaving diverse perspectives into the fabric of St. Ambrose.


  • Jim Collins, alumni
  • Judy Correa Kaiser, PhD, faculty
  • Steve Finn, Sodexo
  • Sara Fredricksen, staff
  • Paul Koch,博士,主席,学术和学生事务副校长
  • Thomas Mason, alumni
  • Regina Matheson, PhD, faculty/staff
  • Dick Robertson, EdD, faculty
  • Christopher Waugh, Dean of Students
  • Arun Pillutla, PhD, faculty
  • Lisa Powell, PhD, faculty
  • Caroline Rasmussen, Sodexo
  • Ryan Saddler, staff

Decade of Diversity


In the spring of 2010, 校友吉姆·柯林斯(Jim Collins)发起了“多样性十年”, 这是一份文件,记录了加强联合国的务实步骤. Ambrose University stated value of diversity. 利用多样性工作组(DWG)的战略重点, 我们制定了101项倡议,指导未来10年的校园倡议,为我们的努力创造愿景.

Here are highlights of what we have accomplished that address some of the 101 items in the Decade of Diversity:

  • 第二届弗里曼·波拉德奖学金早餐会于2013年3月21日举行. 目前筹集到的资金已经超过5万美元(DD目标1).
  • 该标志项目是为了识别马奎特大道,被城市指定为博士. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Parkway, was completed in August 2012, 最后在每个十字路口安装了55个标志.
  • St. 可以买滚球的正规平台于8月18日至19日举办了少数民族学生迎新活动, 2012, with 26 students committed to the 2-day program. Local alumni, faculty and staff supported what will become an annual event (DD Goal 4).
  • DWG代表正在主持学生焦点小组,以更好地了解多样化的学生体验是什么,以及哪些举措可以更好地支持多样化的学生坚持毕业.
  • 工作组小组委员会目前正在评估课程中注入的各种材料的数量,然后考虑如何进一步塑造课程的建议(可持续发展目标7-11)。.
  • The Alumni Association designated two individuals to serve in a liaison capacity with the DWG and donated $1,000美元捐给弗里曼·波拉德奖学金捐赠基金(DD目标5和6).
  • St. 可以买滚球的正规平台的招生工作人员已将工作重点扩大到密尔沃基、圣路易斯市、芝加哥和芝加哥等市场. Louis, Chicago, 和波多黎各,重点关注将产生更高水平多样化学生身份的学区(可持续发展目标16)。.
  • DWG和人力资源工作人员正在探索和实施当前的招聘实践,这些实践可能会产生一个反映四方城市地区多样性组合的教职员工组合,并考虑到不同的身份(DD目标17)。.
  • The College of Arts & 2012-13学年的科学年度主题是种族问题,康奈尔·韦斯特的演讲突出了这一主题, Joe Feagin, Lula Washington Dance Theatre, Callie Crossley, and Bryan Massingale (DD Goal 28).
Honorary SAU Doctorates Awarded to Minorities

Charles W. 托尼,1975年获公共服务荣誉博士学位
The first African American student to attend St. Ambrose in 1932, he spent his life preaching, 实践和执行社会正义的福音, equality and civil rights. 他从约翰迪尔工厂的第一位黑人焊工成长为约翰迪尔公司平权行动主任的第一位黑人高级管理人员.

有太多的认可和荣誉记录在这里, however, 他在锡达拉皮兹的爱荷华州非裔美国人博物馆的永久展览中得到认可,并因其开创性的使命而入选爱荷华州非裔美国人名人堂,以提高更大程度的种族和文化间的理解和欣赏, 机会均等将成为所有人的现实.

E.D. Nixon, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humanities, 1981
Nixon, 通常被称为“民权运动之父”," engineered the 1955 Bus Boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, which subsequently led Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 成为全国民权运动的先锋. In February 1981, Nixon was invited to speak at SAU Black History Month activities by Professor Freeman Pollard, Advisor of the Black Student Union. 他做了一次关于民权运动历史的演讲.

作为美国最多产、最受尊敬的作家之一,她证明了自己是美国艺术传统中的一股重要力量, enriching black, 白人和其他文化,她的作品具有启发性和挑战性. She became the first black writer to receive the coveted Pulitzer Prize for her poetry writings of 1950. She was also Illinois' Poet Laureat in 1968.

Her 50+ year career includes numerous testimonials and recognitions on her behalf; perhaps the most significant being the Frost Medal, 这是美国诗歌协会能授予自己人的最高荣誉.

As a 20-year-old, he was at the center of the student pro-democracy movement which culminated in the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre where he led a brilliant, passionate and unbending stance in behalf of freedom and democracy for the citizens of China.

As an ardent advocate of nonviolence and in an effort to keep alive the flame of hope, Shen wrote a book, Almost A Revolution, 一位内部人记录了他家乡的叛乱理想.

Andrew Young, Jr., Honorary Degree of Doctor of Public Service, 1992
Mr. 扬的获奖是为了表彰他一生致力于帮助他人改善自己的生活,并参与解决世界上的问题.

Motivated by and well-educated in his Christian beliefs, Young has served many posts:

  • pastor
  • Associate Director of the Department of Youth Work for the National Council of Churches
  • top aide to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • U.S. Congressman
  • US Ambassador to the United Nations
  • Mayor of the City of Atlanta

Too many recognitions and honors to account here, 但他获得了总统自由勋章, America's highest civilian award. He has received more than 35 honorary degrees and the French Legion d'Honneur Award.

Lametta K. 永利,公共服务荣誉博士学位,1999年
永利是爱荷华州克林顿市第一位非洲裔女市长. As a result, she has created a legacy of public service in her commitment to the citizens and especially the students of Iowa. 她积极进取的领导在许多领域产生了影响, 但她对学习的投入是她获得荣誉认可的一个重要原因.

Her longtime involvement in school board work has helped make quality education a reality for all students. 她一直是爱荷华州教育和政府领导的先驱.


塞万提斯是Quad Cities墨西哥裔美国人组织的创始成员同时也是其他公民组织的领导, church and community organizations including, but not limited to the following: St. Mary's Parish Council, QC Times Plus 60 Club Board,并在二战期间与巴顿将军的第三军一起服役,获得了认可/荣誉.


作为城市服务项目联合邻居的创始人, 她提供了领导力和对个人坚定不移的承诺, families, civic, 和正规买球平台有哪些组织,以实现正规买球平台有哪些的改善.

Awarded in recognition of his many years of dedication to the cause of law and justice, youth development and civil rights.

He has provided able leadership in the Quad Cities and in his now-home base and law firm home of St. Louis.

他在许多领导委员会和正规买球平台有哪些倡议中任职,包括, but not limited to, the following: St. 可以买滚球的正规平台董事会和圣. Louis.


Having served on the Davenport Community Schools District Board for several years, 达文波特市最早的黑人消防员之一, 市中心附近的小企业主, and serving on many civic and community service, development and civil rights organizations, 显示了他对正规买球平台有哪些和服务的终身承诺.

Sr. Barbara J. 摩尔,2013年获人文文学荣誉博士学位
In recognition of her remarkable life and career as a civil rights activist, nurse, and educator.

Sr. 芭芭拉在她的成年生活中为穷人和弱势群体工作,同时也在推进医疗保健和医疗保健教育事业. 她担任许多董事会和组织的董事.

Our People


Ryan Saddler多元化、公平和包容协会副总裁
Director, Accessibility Resource Center

Fritz Dieudonné
Student Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Coordinator

Paul Koch, PhD
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

Christopher Waugh, PhD
Dean of Students


Ryan Saddler, Assoc. Vice President

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Kreiter Hall
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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